The gal behind Jubilant Critter

Greetings! Indeed, I am the gal behind jubilantcritter. My name is Sabbie (similar to Gabby. If I received a dollar for every time someone has mispronounced my name, I could potentially pay for my college tuition). I am 18 and I go to a college in Washington state. As of late, I am studying zoology with music on the side to maintain my sanity from all the science courses my major requires. =___= It is a hate/love relationship, but surprisingly, I manage to survive them in the end. I aspire to be a veterinarian, but if that plan does not work out… Surely an occupation involving animals will be just dandy. :-)
As I am stepping it up in the world AKA practically moving out of my parents’ abode to live in one of my university’s decent dormitory rooms, I thought that this blog would serve nicely as a way for me to reflect upon my doings living somewhat independently as (I guess) an adult.

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