Tuesday, December 30, 2014

This is a decent introduction, right?

Hi everyone! Perhaps this is my second or third time around starting up a blog, but let’s hope that this one actually lasts more than a few weeks. I admittedly read an abundance of blogs; admiring their photographs, gawking at their fashion sense, and peeking into what they do on a day-to-day basis (because that isn’t creepy). It inspired me to do the same. Also, I need an internet platform to display the photos I take on my iPhone.

This is not a set-themed blog. So, there will most likely be arbitrary activities and doings (e.g. OOTDs, weekday or weekend adventures, food, rambles about school, job(s), etc.) posted. Currently, I am on winter break for almost another two weeks - let’s see what I’ll encounter within that time span before I have to lug my items into a bus and spend six hours on the road going back to school. -___-

Well, I have tackled the infamous first post! Signing off now because I have Attack on Titan to watch. #teammikasa Oh yeah, I am a bit of an anime geek, too.


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