Sunday, January 18, 2015

Weekend Blues

I have successfully made it through another first week of a new semester. Whoo! The classes aren't too intimidating, and with enough studying and focus, I can pass these classes with satisfying grades. Let's hope that I stick to that. *fingers crossed* The weekends are strangely quiet at my university, with the exception of this week because it was the playoffs, and that caused a major uproar of cheers from the Greek houses near me. Yeah, they are that loud. The Seahawks won...yay? I strongly do not care for the Seahawks, let alone the sport in itself. Clearly, I am not an American. \( ̄▽ ̄;)/ 

I haven't seen Magpies since the beginning of Fall semester!
So nice to see them once again. (n__n)
I rarely do much on the weekends. I am a fairly minimal, laid back, and homebody of a person. Proudly, I managed to get myself out of my dorm room today and into the library to do some studying. By the time I left, it was around 5 PM and it was downright windy. I was literally taken aback a few steps because the wind was incredibly strong. Neither me, nor my hair, appreciated the generous doings of the wind.
Gel ink lovers, these are for you!

I'd say it is been a productive day today. Now, time to steep some Earl Grey tea and binge watch the rest of Fruits Basket!


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